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Josephine A. Lauren

 Author, Artist & Activist 

Head shot of Josephine A. Lauren, incest survivor.

As seen in...


I am an A.I.L.A.

The name AILA in Gaelic means “From the Strong Place.” With other Anti-Incest Liberation Agents (AILAs),

Josephine A. Lauren devotes their life to building

a strong and sustainable foundation for the

Incest Awareness Movement (IAM).

Josephine A. Lauren, incest survivor, sits on a bench.

Creative Collaborations

Through consultation, content creation, and community organization, Josephine A. Lauren will both learn from and guide all who have been or desire to be AILAs: Anti-Incest Liberation Agents. Our commitments will ensure that children are safe from sexual violence in the home, survivors and families feel supported in healing, and people who harm are unable to reoffend through survivor-centered transformative justice practices.

"I’m fortunate to have found the amazing writer and activist, Josephine A. Lauren, as my developmental editor. They, like me, is an incest survivor with a distinctive voice, generous spirit, and intersectional approach.
Their somatic approach encouraged me to be braver, motivated by their courageous willingness to rock the boat and publicly name incest as a pervasive, often invisible scourge that continues to affect children, families, and society."





Survivor, Writer,  & Anti-Racism/Anti-Incest Activist

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Josephine A. Lauren pays rent to the Manna-Hatta Fund to support the Lenapehoking people whose land they reside on in the city of New York. Jo. also volunteers time and resources as the founder of Incest AWARE: a free digital resource and alliance that makes anti-incest content and community available to everyone.

© 2024 by Josephine A. Lauren & Photography credit to Sara Lunden

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